Hollywood Reporter Predicts "Blu-ray Blows Away HD DVD"


blurayvhddvd3 Although we've all felt this for some time, the Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Blu-ray will "blow away" HD DVD in 2008.

While many, MANY predictions have been made by various analysts that Blu-ray would emerge victorious, The Hollywood Reporter is a major industry publication, and their prediction naturally carries a significant weight within the industry.

The reasons given in the article for their prediction are:

  • Including the PS3, there are over 2.7 million Blu-ray capable playback devices in U.S. homes, compared with 750,000 HD DVD playback devices
  • Titles such as "300" sell twice as many copies on Blu-ray as on HD DVD -- in Europe, the sales ration is even higher, at about 3:1
  • Blockbuster found that their ratio was approximately 70:30 in favor of Blu-ray, leading to their decision to carry Blu-ray only in most of their stores
  • 22% of Americans report that they won't buy into high-def media until this stupid format war is over... causing retailers and studios to seek ways to bring this "war" to a rapid close

Nothing truly new in the article, but it's nice to see additional support, none-the-less.
