BDA's Top 10 Reasons to Choose Blu-ray...

   ...vs the HD DVD PRG's Top 10 Reasons to Choose HD DVD

bd hd dvd I'm not sure how I missed this earlier this month, but has a pair of interesting articles where they asked the BDA and the HD DVD PRG to give them the top 10 reasons why customers should choose their format over the other.

Top 10 Blu-ray

Top 10 HD DVD

Given how much time I spend extolling the virtues of Blu-ray and tryng to stop the spread of FUD from the other side, it's really interesting to see just what the two sides think is better about their format (as opposed to why they're going to win, or why the other side should lose, etc).

For those who don't feel like clicking, here's my synopsis:

Top 10 Reasons to Choose Blu-ray (according to the BDA):
1. Best and most movies -- most studio support
2. Most player options/CE support -- both standalone and PC based
3. All players support 1080p
4. Best picture quality -- superior storage capacity
5. Lossless audio
6. BD-J for advanced features
7. Enough space on disc to allow maximum quality in all areas -- nothing needs to be short-changed
8. The PS3 is awesome
9. "The discs can take a beating."
10. Blu-ray is dominating, and is "the safe bet to becomes the successor to DVD"

Top 10 Reasons to Choose HD DVD (according to the HD DVD PRG):
1. Cheap players.
2. It's better than DVD
3. The audio is also better than DVD
4. 1080i players are okay... really, they are
5. Cheap players -- and free movies
6. Pip and internet access
7. Combo discs work in DVD players (and occaisonally in HD DVD players from what I hear)
8. We have movies, too! And sometimes they're cheap, too!
9. Cheap players -- round three
10. "Approved by the DVD Forum" (apparently they're confusing themselves with the USDA or something)

So, in summation. Blu-ray: better everything and more support and options. HD DVD: cheap and still better than DVD. Wow... it's a tough call.  Sometimes HD DVD just makes my job too easy.