NPD Group Releases October, 2007 U.S. Console Sales Numbers


NPD has released their console sales numbers for the U.S., for October, 2007.  The next-gen console sales for the month were:

XBox 360: 366,000 

PS3: 121,000

Wii: 519,000

Well, I predicted it last month, but as expeccted the PS3's number for October were not too encouraging.  With the new 40GB model released at $399 on November 2, and a $100 price cut on the 80GB model at the same time, potential purchasers naturally stayed away from the system once word leaked out in October.  Microsoft's 1 month reign as the top selling console came to an abrupt end, once Halo 3 had reached the masses, and Nintendo regained it's top spot by a considerable margin.

month 12

We now have 1 year data on all three consoles, as the PS3 and Wii have finally hit their twelve month mark.  The PS3 managed around 2 million unit sold in the U.S. in it's first year, the XBox 360 a little shy of 3 million, and, of course, the Wii ran away with the prize, at 5 million units sold.  Anecdotal retailer reports suggest that PS3 system sales are up between 200 and 300% since the price cut.  Add that to the recent spurt of excellent games and the holiday shopping season, and the PS3 is in a position to make a big move over the next couple of months.

Obviously, the XBox 360 has been out considerably longer than the other consoles, so in the interests of fairness, here is a chart that shows the total sales of the consoles over their lifetimes.

consoles 10-07

Microsoft's lead in the U,S, market is shrinking each month with the Wii seemingly unstoppable at this point.  The question at this point is when, no if, the Wii will take the U.S. lead from Microsoft.  A lot of estimates exist, but since the only thing that has stopped it from happening already is the lack of available Wii systems at various points in time, it's really anyone's guess.

If you still don't have a PS3 (and there's a lot of you out there), be on the look-out for some excellent deals over the next two months as stores put together holiday bundles to help drive sales.