Crytek Has some PS3 Secrets Up It's Sleeves


crytek_logo_metal3 Crytek, the development studio behind the highly-awaited upcoming "Crysis" game (as well as the best-selling "Far Cry" game) is reportedly hard at work on a top secret PS3 game!  In an inverview with, studio chief Cevat Yerli reported that their "PS3 development is going deeper than many people assume right now."

Yerli reports that the game, which hasn't been identified, is not going to be a first-person shooter as previous Crytek games have been, and that the studio has a development team dedicated to the PS3 to ensure that their PS3 titles are better optimized for the system than many competitors games have been.  In addition, the PS3 is housed in a separate room from other teams because Crytek has "secret technologies" being developed for the PS3 that are unrelated to CryEngine 2.

Given the quality of Far Cry and the early shots of Crysis, Crytek is definitely a developer on the fore-front of bleeding-edge gaming technology, and a very welcome edition to the PS3 family of developers.
