News: Blu-ray Continues to Dominate HD DVD


blurayvhddvd3 In perhaps the least surprising news of the year, Reuters is today reporting sales numbers for Blu-ray and HD DVD for the first half of the year.

Between January 1 and July 1, 2007, Blu-ray sold 1.6 million movie discs, while HD DVD sold 795,000 discs.  This means Blu-ray outsold HD DVD by 2.01:1 or 67% to 33%.

Looking at the total number of discs sold since both formats were released through the end of July, Blu-ray has sold 2.2 million movie discs, while HD DVD has sold 1.5 million discs.  Blu-ray outsold HD DVD by 1.46:1 or 60% to 40%.

Interestingly, Stephen Nickerson, Senior VP of Market Management at Warner Brothers contributed more specific sales numbers for the just-released "300."  According to Warner Brothers, the Blu-ray version of the title has sold an astounding 190,000 copies already, while the HD DVD version has sold 97,000 copies.  Again, Blu-ray has dominated HD DVD, this time by 1.96:1 or 66% to 33%.

All of this data comes fresh on the heels of other news from leading retailers that not only has Blu-ray narrowed the sales gap in standalone players since the release of the cheaper second-gen units, but would actually be selling far more units if they could get enough stock of the new units.  For those (increasingly few) HD DVD die-hards out there it's getting increasingly difficult to blind themselves to the writing on the wall.
