Senior VP of Martet Management for Warner Brothers Steps Down


warnerbros Adding to the list of sudden announcements coming out this week on the Blu-ray vs. HD DVD front, Senior Vice President of Market Management for Warner Brothers, Steve Nickerson, has stepped down today.

While at Warner, Nickerson was a huge HD DVD proponent, and it remains to be seen whether his departure will have an effect on the "format war."  Unlike Paramount, Warner Brothers holds a seat on the BDA Board of Directors, so their departure toward HD DVD exclusivity has been much less likely than that of Paramount.  With the chief HD DVD proponent leaving, however, it could mark a shift of Warner Brothers toward the Blu-ray format.  No successor has been announced.

In unrelated news, rumors abound about a MAJOR Blu-ray announcement due tomorrow or early next week.  It's far too speculative for me to post at this point, but if I can get better confirmation or if an actual press release is issued, I'll post as soon as possible.
