Studio Canal Announces Blu-ray Support!


studiocanal I always believed that gaining a studio is better for a format than paying off a studio to deny product to your competitor.  In the first case you gain titles... in the second, you simply deny titles to your competitor.  Apparently, the BDA agrees with me.  Today, Studio Canal (formerly HD DVD exclusive distributor in Europe) announced a new boxed set of titles to be available later this year on Blu-ray, HD DVD, and DVD.

Studio Canal has the European rights to many U.S. films as well.  Previously, the HD DVD camp has made a big deal of the possibility of importing Studio Canal releases of titles that were Blu-ray exclusive in the U.S.  It now seems turnabout is going to be fair play.  Although the first title announced is a boxset for the French 'Les Bronzes,' additional titles are expected to be announced soon.
