Rumor: Weinstein Company to Start Releasing on Blu-ray


weinstein At the recent Comic Con convention, studio representatives from Weinstein Company reportedly told a number of attendees that the mini-major studio was going to start releasing titles on the Blu-ray format, starting with the release of "Grindhouse" later this year.

I don't normally report on rumors unless there is substantial evidence to support it, and in this case two Blu-ray insiders have all but confirmed this story as true. 

Although they certainly aren't among the largest of Hollywood's studios, they had previously been held as one of the two "HD DVD only" studios.  If this holds true, then only Universal Pictures will remain as a non-Blu-ray supporting studio among all major and mini-major studios.  While no Blu-ray supporting studio has announced plans to release titles on HD DVD, two of the HD DVD studios (Paramount and Warner Brothers) went "format-neutral" before the war even began.

The new chart below shows the studio breakdown for the Blu-ray/HD DVD "format war," assuming the rumor of Weinstein Company going neutral is true.  The percentages attributed to each studio are percentages of total film revenue for the listed year.

studio support

(Click on chart to open larger version.)