Mitsubishi Shows Off 3D Blu-ray... and Hints at 3D PS3 Games!


mitsubishi In a really cool article I almost skipped over today, a Cnet reported attended a PGA event sponsored by Mitsubishi, where the company showed off a technology that allowed 3D 60fps video to be shown on standard DLP 120fps sets.  Polarization glasses are required, but that's about it.  While the demo was done using material actually shot in 3D, the bigger announcement was that Mitsubishi was working on a Blu-ray player that actually converted 2D video to 3D on-the-fly!

I honestly can't even imagine the complexity of how that player will function... or, for that matter, how good the resulting 3D image will look... but what a great concept none-the-less.  Mitsubishi says they hope to have 3D Blu-ray players in stores as early as next Spring.  Moreover, they hinted that they were working with a certain Blu-ray partner on integrating 3D visuals into a gaming console.  Hmm... wonder who's system that would be? 
