Paramount/Dreamworks Announce Blu-ray Support!


Paramount Within two days of Toshiba's announcement that they would be discontinuing production and sales of the HD DVD format, the last of the HD DVD-supporting studios have now announced Blu-ray Disc plans going forward.

Universal, long Toshiba's chief ally, made their announcement of support for Blu-ray yesterday, and now today Paramount has sent a notice to The Hollywood Reporter that they, too, will be supporting the Blu-ray Disc standard:

"We are pleased that the industry is moving to a single high-definition format, as we believe it is in the best interest of the consumer," the statement reads. "As we look to (begin) releasing our titles on Blu-ray, we will monitor consumer adoption and determine our release plans accordingly."

No specific release plans dates were announced, but it is expected that the titles Paramount had previously released on Blu-ray Disc (and then pulled when the studio made a deal for HD DVD exclusivity) would be re-released to the retail market first, followed by announcements on new titles.

This means that all six of the major Hollywood studios officially support the Blu-ray Disc format, unifying Hollywood behind the next-gen optical format.  This should end the customer confusion that was associated with the "format war" and allow consumers to buy into the format with confidence that the format has the full support of Hollywood.