BBSpot: Top 11 Ways Sony Plans to Celebrate Their blu-ray Victory


top11 Althogh BBSpot has been pro-HD DVD (like most of the Microsoft-sponsored online media) they have posted a humorous Top 11 list, of how Sony intends to celebrate its Blu-ray victory.  They take a lot of potshots at Sony in the process, but since we've won the format war, it's okay to laugh at the losers, now, I suppose:

11.  Add rootkit code to all Blu-Ray DVDs.

10.  Send solid gold fruit basket to Time Warner.

9.  Change name of Blu-Ray to something more meaningful. Like HD-DVD.

8.  Get unused "Victory for Betamax" banners out of storage. Edit them for the party.

7.  Call guys at Toshiba, and play Beck's "Loser" over the phone.

6.  Watch Rising Sun on their HD-DVD player.

5.  Release next generation of Higher-Definition video.

4.  Get T-shirts printed up that say, "The HD stands for Hopeless Despair" and send them to engineers at Toshiba.

3.  Raise price on Playstation 3 by $100.

2.  Release Gigli on Blu-Ray.

1.  Savor the brief moment of victory, while preparing for the next embarrassing defeat.