Engadget's "10 Things to Do with Your Now Defunct HD DVD Player"


hd-dvd-2008a[5] Hopefully, my readers don't have a now defunct HD DVD player, so hopefully you all will take this better than the commenters on Engadget did, but just for fun, here's their list:

    1. Mail it to the office of Howard Stringer in protest of Blu-ray's victory.
    2. Plug it into your clothes dryer's 240-volt outlet. Woops, honey! My bad, guess we have to buy a Blu-ray player now.
    3. Finally, replace your Betamax player.
    4. Buy the Blu-ray player of your choice, put it in the box, attempt to return it as "defective."
    5. Channel it through Whoopi Goldberg and make some pottery with it.
    6. Put a Blu-ray disc in the tray and then call up Toshiba when it doesn't work. Repeatedly.
    7. Put it in a time capsule, just to confuse future generations.
    8. Buy a few dozen of 'em and build a little hut for your Blu-ray player.
    9. Lock it alone in a room with a few lethal weapons... let it die honorably.
    10. Use it to upscale DVDs, which is all you ever used it for anyways.