Blu-ray vs. HD DVD: Nielson VideoScan Comparison for Week Ending 2/10/08


Every week Home Media Magazine reports the latest Nielson VideoScan numbers for the Blu-ray vs. HD DVD battle.  They include three figures: Weekly, Year-to-date, and Since Inception.  Weekly numbers examine discs sold at retail over the course of just the current week, the YTD numbers look at sales from the first week ending in 2008 to the present, and the since inception numbers show the relative performance of Blu-ray and HD DVD discs since the formats' respective births.

Nielson VideoScan Data for Week Ending 2/10/08

hd 2-10

Source: Nielson VideoScan via

Weekly sales: Blu-ray leads HD DVD 81% to 19%, 100:23.5, or 4.26:1

YTD sales: Blu-ray leads HD DVD 77% to 23%, 100:29.9, or 3.35:1

Since Inception sales: Blu-ray leads HD DVD 65% to 35%, 100:53.8, or 1.86:1

Blu-ray continued to trounce HD DVD at retail last week despite numerous HD DVD 1/2 off sales at various retailers.  Given the major announcements from retailers and rentailers this week, things should only get worse as time goes on. 


Nielson VideoScan Top 10 for Week Ending 2/10/08

top 10 2-10

Source: Nielson VideoScan via

Universal managed to get one new release HD DVD to crack the Top 10, though it has to be embarrassing to be beaten by a lot of Blu-ray catalog titles -- especially given the sale pricing on HD DVD discs.