Well, we all knew it was coming, but Sony Computer Entertainment Europe officially announced their plans to release the "Playstation Eye" this summer.
Users will be able to use the camera device for a number of different applications on the PS3: video capture/editing, still photo capture, videoconferencing, and use as a form of alternative controller for some games. Said David Reeves, president of SCEE:
"PlayStation Eye is a great example of how we have moved forward so significantly with our technology. PlayStation Eye has four times the resolution, twice the framerate and double the sensitivity of its predecessor EyeToy. With the technology that we now have at our disposal we will be able to dramatically improve the communications experience enjoyed on the PS3."
Along with the announcement came word of the first Playstation Eye game, entitled "Eye of Judgement," a virtual card game which uses the camera device to recognize which card is in a players hand, from a deck of physical playing cards.
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