News: Game Informer Reporter Gets to See GTA IV Demo, Answers Questions


Nornally, I don't post "news" of unreleased games.  But given my love (and many others') of this series, combined with Rockstar's notoriously secretive policies toward future titles, every new confirmation about this game seems to rise to the level of news.

To cut to the chase, Game Informer's Andrew Reiner, hereafter known as "lucky bastard," got to speak with Rockstar developers and see a 15 minute demo of the upcoming Grand Theft Auto IV game.

Some of the highlights:

  • The main character's name is Niko.
  • The game is confined to Liberty City, though it is expanded greatly from GTA 3.
  • Flying (at least in a helicopter) is still a part of the game, but there are no airplanes.
  • The graphics are still being polished, but it already looks better than the recently released trailer.
  • Niko can get girlfriends.
  • The classic single-player mode will be as long as the other GTA games.  A new multi-player mode, details of which are still largely unknown, could increase the replayability even further.

So, that's about it for now.  Everyone ready for October 16?
