Paramount Announces 'The Godfather Collection' for Blu-ray!


godfathercolblur1art2 Paramount has now officially redeemed themselves (in my eyes at least), with the announcement of the fully restored and Coppola-approved Blu-ray disc boxset of all three Godfather films, set for release on September 23.

'The Godfather Collection: The Coppola Restoration' will contain four discs, the first three including the newly-remastered transfers of all three films along with commentary by director Francis Ford Coppola.  The extensive remastering effort was led by Robert A. Harris of the Film Preserve and required a frame-by-frame restoration of the first two films.

The fourth disc will contain a plethora of extras, including all those from the 2001 DVD release, as well as numerous new documentaries (most in high definition) created by Kim Aubry, founder of Zoetrope Aubry Productions.

If there was any doubt as to Paramount's belief in the Blu-ray future, this should quickly put an end to it.