Nielson Videoscan Blu-ray vs. DVD Results for Week Ending 6/29/2008


Another week, another set of stats comparing Blu-ray disc sales to DVD sales.  Sadly, Home Media Magazine didn't publish their top 20 lists for the week, but they did release the basic comparison pie chart. 

Comparing Blu-ray sales data to total DVD sales data is no easy task, however.  The sheer volume of DVDs available in the retail market makes it nearly impossible to hypothesize with any accuracy how many total DVD discs are sold in any given week.  Thus, Nielson VideoScan has chosen to compare only the Top 20 selling DVDs to the Top 20 Blu-ray Discs to track Blu-ray vs. DVD sales.  While this method results in interesting results for comparing the top selling discs on both formats, it is inherently biased towards Blu-ray as it is comparing an equal number of titles on both formats.  Whilst Blu-ray has around 600 titles released in the U.S., DVD has tens of thousands of released titles.

Still, here are the results for the week ending 6/29:

bd 6-29

Source: Nielson VideoScan via

Not too bad overall... Blu-ray gained a point from the week before against DVD and also was up over 5% against its own sales from last week.