"The Smackdown Heard Round the World"


smackdown-2007 Okay, this isn't really news, per se, but it is the coolest thing to happen in the Blu-ray vs. HD DVD format war in a L-O-N-G time.  Over on HighdefDigest (a site I recommend avoiding if you value your sanity) a new poster has given a fatal beating to one of the internet's most vocal HD DVD proponents (and FUD-spreaders).

The FUD-ster in question is HDNow (aka rdjam), owner of a completely unintelligible and incorrect website spreading HD DVD propaganda that even Toshiba and Microsoft roll their eyes at.  HDNow/rdjam has always been the laughing stock of the format war, and most people are just content to ignore his ridiculous "predictions" and "insider information" that NEVER turn out to be correct.  New poster Carl314, however, had apparently had enough of the nonsense and called him out on it.  The result is a thing of beauty.

Carl314's initial post was made in response to yet another nonsensical assertion by HD NOW that Warner was about to go HD DVD exclusive.  It reads:

"HD NOW (AKA rdjam),

Serious question - Do you actually believe what you post?

After reading your predictions month after month, I honestly can't tell whether you're lying deliberately, or like the little kid digging through pile of manure at Christmas, are you naive enough to hope that you'll find the pony?

Ever since HD DVD was released, you've been predicting BD studio defections are just around the corner. I think the only studio you haven't made such a claim about is Sony itself! Every few months you boldly predict a new studio defection, simply changing the studio and the date of the defection.

Despite your claims of studio predictions being proven false 100% of the time, month after month you parrot the same old predictions, just changing the studio or the date of the pending defection to suit your whims. Even HD supporters have challenged you to back up your claims, yet you shirk away. Doesn't that ever get old?

For those on the fence considering whether HD NOW is a reliable predictor of the HD market, consider his history of claiming studio defections since the inception of HD DVD:

* Multiple BD studios would publish on HD DVD by fall 2006.

* Disney: He's been claiming their support for HD has been imminent ever since 2006, with claims that they'd supprot HD by 2006, then 2007, and his latest claim is that they'll go red in Q1 2008.

* Lion's Gate: Pretty much the same claims as with Disney - their support of HD has been just around the corner for a year and a half, with the date of their switching changing from 2006 to 2007 to 2008.

* MGM: Claimed back in 2006 that his petition was responsible for them being ready to release on HD DVD.

* Fox: Claimed back in 2006 that they said they would release on HD DVD.

Of course, rdjam's predictions of imminent corporate support for HD isn't limited to studios. He claimed some months back that there would be nine different brands of HD DVD players by the end of 2007. How accurate was that claim?
A blind squirrel occasionally finds an acorn - HD NOW hasn't found one yet. A circus psychic is more worthy of belief than his latest claim that Warner will defect to HD.

Cheers, Carl."

Now that, in itself, is one hell of a smackdown, and in most cases that would be the whole story.  But HD NOW made the mistake of responding, claiming that Carl was spreading "lies and misinformation."  This brought forth the following:

HD NOW: What "predictions month after month" are you on about??? While we had hoped for a BD studio for CES 2007, that was the only time we had said so.

Carl314: Your denials of making defection claims is mind-boggling, and really diminishes your credibility to about zero. See below for extensive links proving your history of false claims of studio defections.

HD NOW: For the third time, CES 2007 was the only time we had hope for a BD studio to go neutral. However, the info this time about January is different.

Carl314: Not sure who "we" are. I'm personally one person, are you?

HD NOW -> demanded a link for his claim that "Multiple BD studios would publish on HD DVD by fall 2006."

Carl314: Safe to assume you're denying making this claim, then? In that case, how about these postings:

On 4/6/2006, you wrote: "I predict that by September 2006, at least two BR-only studios will have announced releases in HD DVD - in fact probably more than that." Source: http://tinyurl.com/ypgglu.

On 7/13/06, you wrote "other studios are coming to HD DVD - trust me on that one". Source: http://tinyurl.com/2jyp4q . Should people have actually trusted you on that?

Two days later, on 7/15/2006, you clarified that your prediction of studio defections was not a some vague claim of support in the future, but would happen soon: “Given the way the format war has gone so far, I think it's inevitable that BR studios will be releasing on HD DVD soon - except Sony Pictures, of course.” Source: http://tinyurl.com/37yohp.

On 8/7/2006 you wrote: "Come the end of '06, I think you'll have a flood of news. And I think that certain studios who haven't announced a switch by then will also make their HD DVD move...” Source: http://tinyurl.com/2xlv8f
I'd say those postings constitute claims of multiple BD studios supporting HD by the end of 2006, wouldn't you?

HD NOW -> demanded another link regarding his claim about Disney, calling it "another lie on your part. I have said nothing about Disney for '08. I have not named the studios that I have been told about at all."

Carl314: Wow - you're calling me a liar?? How's this for proof as to who's telling the truth?

On 8/4/2007, you predicted: "'Buena Vista', I am certain, will one of the next studios to support HD DVD - certainly before Q1/08 is out, if not sooner." Source: http://tinyurl.com/3x5b9h.

Unless you're now going to claim that Disney is not part of Buena Vista, I think you owe me an apology for claiming that I was lying.

EDIT: Upon a re-read of rdjam's original post, he did just that - separated out Disney from Buena Vista for purposes of his prediction of a 2008 defection. I apologize for not catching this.

However, this does not change the fact that rdjam does have a history of claiming Disney's defection in both 2006 and 2007:

On 4/12/2006, you wrote: "I predict Disney titles on HD DVD this year." Source: http://tinyurl.com/2earow

On 8/11/2006, you wrote: “New prediction - Disney announces upcoming HD DVD support by January 2007” Source: http://tinyurl.com/yr8dcg

Or your claim on 10/2/06: "Look for Disney to announce HD DVD support at CES January 5th or 6th...." Source: http://tinyurl.com/2kboh3

On 10/15/2006, you predicted: "Disney seems likely to announce support at or by CES in January." Source: http://tinyurl.com/32s9x3

HD NOW: Lions Gate was the studio everyone thought would switch in '07. I have said nothing about LionsGate for '08 - that is another fabrication on your part.

Carl314: "Fabrication"?? Look back to your 8/4/2007 message, quoted above, wherein you wrote:

"Lionsgate is the one that is generally tipped to support HD DVD first, no argument there..." Source: http://tinyurl.com/3x5b9h.

This is NOT a CES 2007 claim, as you suggest, but was less than four months ago. And since you already predicted BV would support HD by Q1 2008 (see above), that could only mean LG support for HD by now (which clearly hasn't happened), or during Q1 2008 before Disney.

HD NOW -> demanded a link about MGM, stating "I thought not. Another fabrication by you."

Carl314: Proving your false predictions in the face of your convenient "amnesia" is starting to get old.

On 6/24/2006, you claimed: "Hmm - don't forget what we've heard about Lions Gate and MGM getting ready to launch HD DVD.  Just because a studio has said they will support BD first, doesn't mean it will remain exclusive.  They'll hear the same the same bad reports about BD launch that we have and will wonder how much of the HD DVD game they may miss if they don't act soon.  Not to mention the fact that they are getting more and more of the petitions from HD DVD owners."  Source: http://tinyurl.com/38abdx. (Emphasis added)

Sure looks like a prediction of MGM support, and crediting that pending defection to your HD petitions. . .

HDNOW -> demanded a link where he stated that Fox would release on HD DVD

Carl314: So again, your request for a "link" presumably is a denial?

In that case, how about this claim by you on 6/19/2006: "Disney and Fox have said they may well publish in both." Source: http://tinyurl.com/3c52tq.

You were immediately challenged for verfification of your claim that Fox has made such a statement, yet failed to substantiate your claim.

Carl314 (quoted by HD NOW): Of course, rdjam's predictions of imminent corporate support for HD isn't limited to studios. He claimed some months back that there would be nine different brands of HD DVD players by the end of 2007. How accurate was that claim?

HD NOW: After IFA and CEDIA there were various brands who announced that they would be bringing HD DVD players to market. I simply rounded these announcements up. You may be overstating the "9" part, as well as "when" they were supposed to be released. Link?


On 9/5/2007, you claimed that by Christmas 2007, HD would have nine different brands: Samsung, Integra, Shinco, Ventura, Alpine, Onkyo, LG, Microsoft, and Toshiba. Source http://tinyurl.com/3c52tq.

Of the six new brands you claimed would already be making HD players by now, only two of them actually are. And since the Onkyo is apparently a rebadged Toshiba, and the LG & Samsung are dual-format players, only one company other than Toshiba is actually manufacturing a stand-alone HD-only players: Venturer.

Note that I gave you the benefit of the doubt in my original post, and didn't accuse you of actually lying. However, you accused me of fabrications - will you now retract that accusation, and apologize for it?

Cheers, Carl.


WOW!  What else needs to be said.  Carl, if you happen to read this, I owe you a drink good sir.


Unknown said...

This "smack down" couldn't have happened to a more deserving individual. And the fact that it was backed up with multiple links to Hd Nows own statements made it all the more hilarious.