... And The Michael Bay Saga Continues


michael bay Michael Bay, who made headlines earlier this year for coming out against Paramount's decision to go HD DVD exclusive, has come out swinging again.  Responding to an agitated fan on his website, Bay stated the following:

"What you don't understand is corporate politics. Microsoft wants both formats to fail so they can be heroes and make the world move to digital downloads. That is the dirty secret no one is talking about. That is why Microsoft is handing out $100 million dollar checks to studios just embrace the HD DVD and not the leading, and superior Blu Ray. They want confusion in the market until they perfect the digital downloads. Time will tell and you will see the truth."

This certainly isn't the news Microsoft's army was hoping to have spread by a major Hollywood director... especially one whose latest film is exclusive to their format due to an exuberant payoff.  While Bay certainly isn't the first to attempt to tell the world this, he is likely the highest profile insider without a stake in the war to be so blunt.

When Microsoft's minions came by to challenge him on the premise that their format looks "just as good" as Blu-ray, Bay let loose another tirade:

"Does anyone out here want to challenge what I feel suits my films better in terms of look. I see every frame of my films over a hundred times before it is ever released. I know the lighting conditions I shot it and the result on the DI. I know the range. I know what the final product should look like - Blu Ray suits my films better. But that said - I don't a care about this format war because I have both formats in my screening room - I'm just filling you in on what people deep in the film industry feel ultimately is going on - Transformers looks great even in DVD!!"

As I've been saying all along, since both formats use the exact same video and audio codecs, the ONLY thing that matters is that Blu-ray discs can hold 60% more and have 63% higher audio/video bandwidth for improved picture and sound.  Everything else is just noise.
