AVM$ is Officially Biased...

(and a collective "NO SH!T" rings out across the internet)


avs logo In case their was any doubt left as to the bias of the formerly great audio/video science forum, the moderators there finally decided to essentially come clean today and let the world know where there true allegiance lies.

After deleting every thread discussing Michael Bay's comments reported here earlier, they let one thread stay, but locked it with the comment "AVS doesn't care what they [presumably any industry insider who doesn't work for Microsoft] think about the formats, just what they put on the formats."

This really isn't shocking as the "insiders thread" on AVM$ has been made up almost exclusively of Microsoft employees for some time now, with the Blu-ray insiders either fleeing the inquest or being banned by the site altogether, and Microsoft has provided a nice chunk of advertising incentives to the forum over the last couple of years.  Those who have favored the Blu-ray format have long-suffered as threads have been consistently deleted or purged of any pro-Blu-ray statements, yet the forum has always "officially" maintained a format neutral stance.

When a Blu-ray fan wrote to a moderator about the closing of threads and the bias inherent in the news the site chooses to present they received this reply (emphasis mine):

"News items and feeds are just things pick up off the various news wires that pertain to AVS. The absence of equal news reporting for the HDM formats is not a coincidence. AVS may not be the place for you. AVS does not care whether one of the formats appears to be "winning" or not. It does take sides. Like I said in the locked thread, AVS cares what is put on the formats. AVS is here to help solve problems for people using either format for HDM. Be there 1 format, 2, or 10, it doesn't matter."

So there you go.  Lest there be any doubt, AVM$ has taken sides... and, shockingly, has chosen it's chief sponsor.  Go figure.