Site Updates


UPDATE: The new site is now live!  The new domain is .  It will take a couple of days for the new domain to be propagated to all the DNS servers, so the site will load slow in that time.  Also, due to completely ridiculous referral limitations of the BlogSpot/Picassa system, no pictures from previous blog posts currently show up.  I have started updating these posts with the pics, but it will take a couple of days for all posts to be updated.


With the end of the format war now officially past, it was time to make some major upgrades to this site moving forward.  Some of these changes have already been made, in the form of enhanced navigation for the site and additional features.  Specifically the theme for the site has been updated to provide a more uniform "Blu" look, while improving the layout on non-Internet Explorer web browsers.

A new navigation menu exists just beneath the page title providing easy access to the various lists of Blu-ray titles, players, drives, games, etc.  The "labels" feature has also been updated with menu buttons.  The title of the site has been changed to "Blu-ray Disc News" and a new domain, will be active within the next few days.  The existing domain will continue to function, however, for those readers who have the site bookmarked.

For those looking for all the latest Blu-ray news and disc reviews, RSS feeds from the news section of and the reviews section of High-Def Digest have also been added to the right-hand side of the page.  Clicking on those links will take you to the respective websites.

I have also reevaluated the advertisers on the site and chosen to partner with a more limited group that I believe provides the greatest possible benefits to my readers.  The result is both less advertising and advertising more directly beneficial to my readers.

More changes will be coming over the upcoming days and weeks, and I hope that everyone will find the updated to be one of the most helpful sites for Blu-ray Disc information on the internet.

I also will not be posting the weekly Nielson Videoscan sales data comparing Blu-ray to HD DVD any longer.  With HD DVD officially deceased there truly is no point of examining the data any further.  Should a publication choose to start publishing the Blu-ray vs. DVD sales comparison I will happily start reporting that information.

If there is anything that you think would help make this site more useful to you, the reader, then please leave a comment below and let me know.  I won't post the comments for others to read, and they will be kept in confidence.