Politics: 2nd Quarter Fundraising Totals


DollarSign Happy fourth of July everyone.  In celebration of American Independence Day it seemed fitting to report on that all American pastime: Campaign Fundraising!  The early numbers are in for the second-quarter fundraising results for the 2008 Presidential contenders.  So, how did the candidates do?


Barack Obama $32.5 million ($31 million in primary donations)
Hillary Clinton $28.5 million ($21 million in primary donations)
John Edwards $9 million
Bill Richardson $7 million
Christopher Dodd $3.25 million

Obviously, the big surprise (for many) is that Obama surged ahead of Clinton in fundraising efforts for the quarter, setting a new record for second-quarter primary funds raised.  Clinton, meanwhile, raised a substantial amount, though much of it cannot be used until the general election.  Obama also raised more in the first quarter, though Clinton's "war chest" has been larger.


Rudy Giuliani $17 million ($15 million in primary donations)
Mitt Romney $14 million (all in primary donations)
John McCain $11 million

Obviously the big news on the Republican side is that John McCain's campaign is struggling -- or crashing as the case may be.  Having only $2 million in cash-on-hand the McCain campaign has had to lay off or cut the salaries of much of the staff.