Disney Announces Upcoming Platinum Titles


sleepingbeautyblu-ray While Disney is just now gearing up for the big push of their latest “Platinum Collection” release, Sleeping Beauty (due on Oct. 7), they have gone ahead and set the next two years worth of titles.

The “platinum collection” are a set of 14 (15 if you count Fantasia 2000 which will be released alongside the original film) of Disney’s best classic animation titles that are released at a rate of two a year on a seven year cycle, with the titles going out of print after each run and being placed “back in the vault.”  Each release is considered an event by Disney, and each title is treated to an exceptional set of bonus features, along with a new transfer, and often a full restoration of the original film elements.

Sleeping Beauty will be the first platinum collection title to be released on Blu-ray, and will receive a tremendous set of features, including BonusView PiP and BD-Live online features that utilize the very latest features available on the Blu-ray format.

Now, the New York Times is reporting that Disney has officially announced their next two years’ worth of releases, including Pinocchhio, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Fantasia and Fantasia 2000, and Beauty and the Beast.

Although Disney didn’t give specific release dates for all the films to the New York Times, the films are expected to be released as follows:

  • Pinocchio: Mar. 3 or 10, 2009
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: Oct. 6, 2009
  • Fantasia and Fantasia 2000: Mar. 2, 2010
  • Beauty and the Beast: Oct. 5, 2010

Although the titles weren’t announced, the next two films in the platinum collection due for re-issue are The Lion King and Aladdin, so hopefully those will be out in 2011, though one or the other may get pushed in order to push up Bambi or Cinderella, in order not to release 3 1990s classics back-to-back.