Back up and running

Just a brief note before I get back to business around here...

Due to a confluence of events many have recently wondered whether or not I intended to keep this site up and running. The answer is yes, but its been a trying month. Some people reported being unable to access the site at various times, though the issues with Blogger and Go Daddy should now have been resolved. Also, Windows Live Writer, the blogging client I have used up until now, has recently started having problems updating older posts... making it impossible to update the title database, and difficult to do much of anything else. That issue hasn't been resolved, however, I'm now on a Mac, and am using a VERY roundabout way to update those posts using Windows Live Writer to edit the post (in a virtual machine) and then Ecto (a blog client for the Mac) to actually post. It's a mess, but Microsoft has promised to fix the issue in the next update to Live Writer. Regardless, the title lists are all up to date now, and everything else should be updated very soon.

More importantly, if you live in the United States, the election is this coming Tuesday. Although I made the decision awhile ago not to focus on politics on this site, that is my other major interest. This is quite possibly the most important election of most of our lives, and will likely decide the direction our country takes over the next several decades. Whatever your beliefs and political leanings, if you are eligible to vote, you owe it to yourself to make sure your voice is heard. Remember, if you don't vote, you give up the right to bitch about the guy that wins!

Now, then... I'll get off my soapbox.