Sony has officialy announced the smallest and lightest Blu-ray enabled notebook yet. The 11.1" Vaio TT series is set to replace the existing TZ series as Sony's smallest ultraportable notebook computer. The line measures only 10.99"x7.87"x0.93" thick and weighs in at only 2.87lbs.
The top of the line model features an internal Blu-ray burner (the first in such a small notebook), marking the first machine to be released with an ultra-thin 9.5mm BD drive.
The highest end model (VGN-TT190UBX) features a carbon fiber casing, 11.1" 16:9 LED-backlit (1366x768) screen, HDMI and VGA outputs, 2x 128 GB SSDs in a RAID configuration, Intel Core 2 Duo SU 9400 1.4GHz processor, Wirelessi-N and Gigabit ethernet, bluetooth, and 4GB DDR3 RAM in addition to the 2x BD-R/RE burner. Given the $4,345 price tag, it also essentially comes with a steal me sign and a second mortgage, but customizeable models should be available within a month or so that allow you to get the BD burner but not the dual SSDs for substantially less.
Equally interesting, is that 9.5mm BD burners for notebooks have gone into mass production, giving substantial weight to rumors that "a certain other notebook manufacturer" will be announcing BD burner options in their new notebook line to be announced on October 14.